Almost everything is online nowadays. From banking and shopping, to email and social media profiles, most information can be accessed with a simple search. Limit how much personal information you publish to keep yourself safe online. With the Internet available so easily, whether it’s on a computer or your phone, you need to be careful of what information you share with others.
Tips on keeping safe online.
- Never accept a friend, file, link or download from a person you don’t now
- Treat strangers on the internet as you would strangers in real like – with caution
- Never give out personal information online, especially if you are unsure of the recipient
- Be careful of what content you are posting online, as it may affect future employment
- Regularly check your online security settings to make sure you aren’t sharing information with people you don’t know
With the popularity of social media, the line between friend and foe can be hard to decipher. Never give out personal information such as passwords or bank details to an unknown recipient. Online predators hide themselves in fake profiles; so you should be careful when adding new “friends”.
Once something is uploaded online, it never truly disappears. Even if you delete it, there is no way to ensure it has been erased. You should always be cautious of posting inappropriate content on the Internet as it could impact employment opportunities in the future. This includes coarse language, engaging in mean online gossip, posting hurtful messages, photos or videos – especially when used to harass another person. Online bullying is a serious matter, and can carry criminal charges. Always think twice before you click send, because once it is out there, you can’t take it back.
If are experiencing some unwanted online attention you should report this behaviour to the police.
For more information or tips on Internet Safety visit WA Police.
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